الأربعاء، 29 أغسطس 2012

Wonders never cease…it’s time to exercise!

Galia catches the fitness bug.... and spreads the cacao love among friends...
Right, so drinking my CHOC Shots of raw cacao powder before a meal has actually been working and I’m slowly losing weight, which is pretty amazing in itself, but even more amazing is the fact that it’s also given me more energy and a strange desire to move around a bit more!
Wonders really never cease - as the great Howling Wolf sang, I am definitely “built for comfort, I ain’t built for speed”. But strangely enough, last Monday I found myself joining my neighbour Lisa’s fitness group and spending an hour exercising in our local park with six other lovely ladies from my road. Then on Wednesday and Friday this week I got up at 6:00am, met my lovely neighbours at 6:15 and we all toddled off for a 40 minute jog (OK I did more walking than jogging!).

I am utterly amazed that I managed to be so active this week and although my muscles are quite achy (I keep reminding myself that it’s good pain!), I do feel much more energetic and ridiculously proud of myself. The best thing was that I also got to meet some fabulous new neighbours and I’m actually looking forward to doing this all again next week.

It’s also given me an opportunity to trial out this amazing cacao powder with my new friends and for the next 10 weeks they will join me in drinking 1tsp raw cacao powder with a little warm water three times a day (before each meal), exercising three days a week and following a healthy balanced diet.

Wish me luck with my new found enthusiasm for exercise (long may it last!) and hope to keep you updated on my progress in my next post.

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