الأربعاء، 22 أغسطس 2012

Get Washboard Abs With These Three Exercises

If you’re looking to get a flat stomach this summer, it’s important that you take into account which exercises are going to go the distance.  Far too many people resort to crunches or other sit-up variations, thinking these will bring them fast results, but then find themselves quickly disappointed when this isn’t the case.
The trick to really uncovering a set of chiselled abs is always going to be in following a proper diet plan, but then once that’s in place, you need to utilize core exercises that will work as many muscle fibers at once as possible.
The more intensely the entire abdominal region has to contract, the faster you’re going to see the progress you’re looking for.
Let’s have a quick peak at three different exercises that you should consider adding to your ab workout routine if you want to see fast and effective results.
The Plank On An Exercise Ball
The very first movement that is a must-have in any good abdominal workout routine is the plank on an exercise ball.  The plank itself is perfect for building up strength the abdominal core as well as along the spinal column.  By placing yourself on the exercise ball, you’ll be less stabilized, which will force the muscles to sit up and contract that much harder.
When placing the hands on the exercise ball, be sure that you’ve found your balance there first before extending the legs behind you.
The Half Decline-Sit Up With A Twist
The second exercise that you’ll want to consider adding into the mix is the half decline sit-up with a twist.
This one is excellent for stimulating the oblique muscles and for adding extra tension on the rectus abdominal muscles that typically wouldn’t be there.
To perform it, place the legs under the foot pads and then slowly lower yourself down until your back is against the bench.  Pause at the bottom of the movement, come up to the halfway point, and then twist to one side.
Pause, twist back, and then lower yourself down.  Once you’re back down with the black flat against the back pad, repeat the process only this time you’ll want to twist to the other side instead.
This constant twisting action with the brief pauses in there will produce an extremely high level of tension on the core muscles and really get you seeing results quickly.
The Circular Lying Leg Raise
Finally, circular lying leg raises are the last movement that you should consider adding to your workout program.  Lying leg raises are often used on their own to target the lower abs, but by adding the circular movement pattern to them, you’ll boost the intensity that much further.
The key thing to remember when doing these is that you must always make sure that your lower back stays pressed flat against the floor.  If at any point you let it rise upwards, you’ll be placing yourself at a very high risk for developing lower back pain.
So keep these points in mind.  If you’re serious about getting abs, make sure that you’re adding them into your workout on a regular basis.

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