الخميس، 30 أغسطس 2012

Don’t be scared of hunger

After months or years of never really feeling hungry, it’s easy to forget what that gnawing, empty sensation in our stomach feels like. It’s no wonder then that when we initially change our eating habits, hunger pangs make us feel uneasy and uncomfortable – and leave us reaching for the biscuit tin! While many diets claim you’ll never feel hungry, this is often an unrealistic promise.

Experiencing hunger, especially when you first start a new approach to eating, is quite normal.

The key is to learn to recognise the sensation, not be scared by it, embrace and then deal with it appropriately. Firstly, rather than looking at hunger in a negative way, think positively. Doesn’t it actually feel nice to be hungry and to really look forward to a meal or snack? Secondly, before eating, you may find it helpful to identify how hungry you really are: rank your hunger on a scale of one to 10, where one is fully satisfied and 10 is starving. Only reach for a snack when your hunger ranks at seven or above.

Thirdly, before eating plan what you are going to eat in advance so as to avoid devouring the wrong foods in ‘hunger’ haste, this will also help you to focus on foods which are better for you & last longer in terms of giving you the energy you require to last it through the day without giving in to those classic snacking temptations.  Good carbohydrates in the form of vegetables will give you the most nuritional assistance in the energy department, avoid foods with high calories & preservatives.  Fourthly, don’t forget that what you drink plays an equal part in your dieting regime as food does.  Stay away from sweet drinks and don’t forget to have plenty of water, fruit smoothies are a good way to consume vitamins and help to curb hunger.

And finally don’t forget to plan your deserved treats for reaching your goals each week – its important to enjoy life & to reward yourself when you have made progress & achieved success.  As with many things half the battle is in the mind, if you keep this area happy & content then you will improve your chances.

These approaches to hunger will help in your quest for losing those extra lbs by not over eating or snacking on the wrong things at the wrong time!

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