الخميس، 30 أغسطس 2012

New Year’s Resolutions. Why weight?

Autumn and winter are times when polar bears (and some of us with fewer legs), invariably seem to put on weight. We know it’s going to happen and almost resign ourselves to the fact. We cover ourselves up with more clothes, don’t care as much about what our bodies look like, and then make New Year’s resolutions to get back on track with health and weight loss goals.

So why does winter in particular do such damage to our healthy aspirations? Lots of potential culprits- the cold being a chief contender. When temperatures drop, we stay inside. And as the weather turns cooler, we tend to take less exercise. The walk to work or the shops might be replaced by a bus journey. Before you know it, you’ve gained 10 pounds and your New Year’s resolution involves more time in the gym than there are hours in the day. Not a problem that bears would have as gym memberships are pretty reasonable in the Arctic.

It’s a fairly natural and predictable cycle. Like bears, our bodies are preconditioned to stockpile fat in the winter months. Winter weight gain isn’t just an urban myth, it’s driven by biology and fuelled by mood. In fact, most of us will naturally gain between three and four pounds during the winter months, despite our best efforts. Additional factors such as the lack of sunlight do not help. And that’s not even thinking about turkey and mince pies! Before the days of central heating and good insulation, a few extra pounds could be the difference between life and death. But thankfully, although gas and electricity bills are admittedly extortionate, the likelihood of freezing to death is pretty low.

But if we pile on more pounds over Christmas and then struggle to lose them, what’s the solution? Well, the simple answer is to try and keep the weight off in the first place.

FULLfast has been developed to help stop the cycle of weight gain by doing just that. So combat winter weight gain, stay slim and trim for spring, and make your resolutions for 2012 truly aspirational…

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