الأربعاء، 29 أغسطس 2012

Who are the good guys?

Why those probiotics really are gut-friendly
We so often see advertisements for 'the good guys', which come in the form of those small drinks, but do we know what this is all about? I am often asked by my clients, who are they, what do they do and what is the best form to take them in?
The term is referring to probiotics, of which the live-active cultures of these friendly bacteria or the 'good guys', can help to prevent and treat a wide variety of ailments.
I will start with a brief explanation of why they really are such a crucial component of our digestion, health... and existence!

The word "probiotic" is a compound of two Greek words: "pro," to signify promotion of and "biotic," which means life - and therefore they affirm life and health! They are regarded as any living microorganism that has a health benefit when ingested.

We all have thousands and thousands of different types of bacteria living inside our bodies which help us to break down food and absorb nutrients. Without these good guys, we would not be able to digest and nourish our bodies with all of the nutrients required, which also helps to regulate the optimum transit time for waste products to be removed!

In addition to their digestive function, probiotics have a further key function, because about 85 percent of our immune system is located in the gut wall, and our gut is the biggest and the most important immune organ in our body. There is a very close link between the gut flora that live inside our digestive system and how well our immune system operates.

We all know that if we have an infection, we may be given drugs from the doctor to help alleviate our symptoms. But when we take antibiotics (which are designed to kill destructive, illness-causing bacteria), they can also kill the healthy intestinal flora. This is why antibiotics can lead to diarrhoea or some other form of gastrointestinal distress, because we have killed all of the good guys who help us out!

Given their importance in digestion, probiotics can help with digestive issues such as IBS, which can have a range of intestinal symptoms, such as abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation. I explain the importance of these bacteria to my clients who suffer from such symptoms and can find relief after taking them - I know they certainly helped me!

Not only do these good guys strengthen our physical health, but recently some fascinating research has emerged on the connection between gut flora and mental health, as it has been demonstrated that probiotics have a direct effect on brain chemistry, by reducing anxiety - and depression-related behaviour under normal conditions. This proves that what happens in your gut does NOT stay in your gut!

In addition to this, the greatest concentration of serotonin, which is involved in mood control, depression and aggression, is found in our intestines, and not our brain! Therefore, a first step toward balancing mood would be to nourish our gut flora rather than reaching for a prescription drug.

Research has also shown that infants born to mothers with unbalanced gut flora can be immune compromised from birth, so it is worth thinking about re-establishing healthy gut flora in early infancy, to prevent any impact upon health and wellbeing.

Eating plenty of unpasteurised fermented foods (such as plain unflavoured yogurt Kefir, Sauerkraut Miso Pickles, Tempeh, Kimchi and Kombucha tea) and/or taking a high-quality probiotic supplement, along with consuming a healthy low-sugar diet, can help to optimise probiotic intake and nourish our gut.

A good supplement should be stable until the end of the product's shelf life and not just the time of manufacture, while encapsulating and freeze-drying affords protection of the bacteria through the harsh conditions of the stomach. Some need refrigeration, while others do not and so are better to use when travelling. There are differing opinions on the dosage required, and everyone would require a different dose, but studies have shown benefits of doses of 100 million per day but even better for them to supply one billion per day and above. The multi-strain formulas have been shown to exert more positive benefits and helping a greater range of digestive disorders.

So from helping with our digestion, to warding off infection and boosting our immune system, as well as helping to improve women’s health and perhaps even fighting obesity, whether male, female, young or old, they are certainly worth thinking about!

And as a final thought... recent research has even found that mice fed with a probiotic rich diet developed a sexy swagger due to the positive effect upon their reproductive organs, as well as leaving their skin shinier and silkier..... so what more reason do we need to give our good guys a boost!

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