الجمعة، 24 أغسطس 2012

Why A Cheat Meal Might Just Save Your Diet And Boost Fat Loss

If there's one thing that most dieters always want to know about as they go about their fat loss diet plan, the cheat meal is it.
Is a cheat meal okay to have on your diet or must you really cut out all the foods that you enjoy entirely?
There's no question that if you start having cheat meals just a little too often this is going to hold you back from seeing progress.  Cheat meals will be much higher in fat and calories than normal meals would, and that will definitely add up.
But, if you plan your cheat meals wisely, this doesn't have to be the case. In some situations, cheat meals can actually help you see faster overall results, so it's imperative that you learn how to incorporate these into your diet plan properly.
Let's have a look over some of the main things that you should keep in mind.
Cheat Meals And Your Metabolism
The very first positive effect that a cheat meal will have as you go about your diet is the fact that they will help to boost your metabolism.
Any time you go on a reduced calorie diet plan for an extended period of time, the body is going to slow its metabolic rate. It literally thinks that you're trying to starve it and it's going to do everything it can to prevent this from happening.
But, by having the cheat meal you send the message to the body that it's getting more fuel again, thus the metabolism speeds back up.
All it takes is one good cheat meal to help offset a slow metabolism so that you can start seeing fat loss results again.
Cheat Meals And Your Food Cravings
The next benefit of a cheat meal is with regards to your food cravings.  If you aren't incorporating any cheat meals into your plan, it is only going to be a matter of time before food cravings get the best of you.
Fortunately, the cheat meal will prevent this.  By allowing that cheat meal into your diet plan at a specific pre-determined point, you're going to help prevent yourself from falling off the plan at any other time during the diet.
Simply knowing that you will get to have whatever food you're craving is often enough for most people to stay with eating healthy the rest of the time.
Cheat Meals And Muscle Glycogen Levels
Finally, the last reason why cheat meals can help to increase your results is because if you choose to make the cheat meal high carb in nature, this will restore your muscle glycogen level, which is the primary energy source used during your workout sessions.
With fully stocked muscle glycogen you'll be able to workout at a higher intensity, thus you'll see more calorie burning and faster overall progress.
So as you can see, a cheat meal can be a good thing for your diet. You just need to make sure that you keep them limited to about once per week and still practice moderation. To help prevent hunger from causing you to really overdo it at the cheat meal, make sure to take an appetite suppressant like Phen 375 beforehand, as this will ensure you don't gain body fat due to that cheat.

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