الثلاثاء، 21 أغسطس 2012

Factors That Regulate Lipolysis

If you're involved with a fat loss diet plan, one of the primary things that you need to think about is what you can be doing to increase the rate of lipolysis in the body.
Lipolysis stands for the burning up of body fat stores for energy, thus it's the process that's going to help you reach your goal weight and look your best.
There are a few different factors that will influence the rate of lipolysis that goes on so understanding these factors and then doing everything that you can to maximize them will be critical to success.
Let's have a look at what you need to know.
Your Diet Program
Looking at the diet you're using, in order to increase the rate of lipolysis that takes place, you want to achieve two different tasks.
First, you want to be using a lower calorie diet plan so that the body doesn't have sufficient fuel to cover its daily needs.  In doing so, you're going to force it to find another source of fuel for energy – namely, your body fat stores.
As it starts turning to your body fat stores, you'll undergo the process of lipolysis at a faster pace.
Now, to speed this process up even faster, reduce the carbohydrate content of the diet specifically.  Since carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy in your body, when they are taken out of the picture, the body really won't have any readily available energy to burn and thus body fat will be the only option.
The body generally does not like using protein as a fuel source so fat will be more preferable.  Dietary fat will be turned to as well, but once that energy is exhausted, body fat stores will be the next place it'll look to provide you with fuel.
Your Exercise Program
The second thing that can really influence the rate of lipolysis that you experience is your exercise program.  Here, you want to focus on a combination of two things.
First, you want to perform some very high intensity exercise at the start of the workout session. This could be weight lifting or it could be interval sprint training.
Doing this intense physical activity is going to cause the body to release fatty acids from the fat cells, so you're in the position for prime lipolysis to take place.
Then, once you've finished this component of the workout, perform some lighter paced cardio training.
Since the body can use fat as a fuel source during this activity (while it can only use glucose as a fuel source during more intense forms), this means that you're now going to burn off those fatty acids that have been released.
The end result means an increase in lipolysis and that you will reach your goal weight sooner.
So there you have some main things to focus on with your approach to help boost lipolysis and make sure that you're headed in the right direction.

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