الثلاثاء، 28 أغسطس 2012

Kate's Story One member's inspiring weight loss story

Kate Hills, 35, had tried every diet in the book. She wanted to lose weight to have a baby and nothing was working…until she discovered the Amanda Hamilton method. She lost two stone and is now the proud mother of baby Amelia! Read her full story…

I’ve struggled with weight all my life. I started my periods when I was 11 and just piled on the weight which never left me. I used to eat normal amounts of food, three meals a day and even when I did manage to lose a couple of pounds it just went straight back on again.

I’d tried all sorts of diets before but nothing ever seemed to work, I just had one of those bodies that didn’t react to dieting in the normal way. I remember getting really angry with the Weight Watchers leader as I GAINED weight on the WW diet!

The main reason I decided to try Amanda Hamilton’s Weight Loss plan was because I was desperate for a baby and my BMI was too high for me (over 30) to have IVF treatment.

I booked a consultation with Amanda and she gave me a weight loss plan which I honestly didn’t think would work, but in just a week I lost 6lbs!

Amanda’s plans are tailored to the individual and she knew exactly why my body wasn’t responding to conventional diets.

I continued to steadily lose weight at around 2lbs a week and that just amazed me.

Some days I almost felt too full to eat everything – all the juices and snacks, such as oat cakes, celery sticks and hummus and water on top of that.

I was never hungry AND I lost loads of weight!It just didn't feel like a diet.

I’ve never been a morning person but on the new plan I had so much energy and started going to swimming and spinning classes which of course also helped my weight loss. My skin looked amazing and people kept asking me what my secret was!

The most amazing thing to happen was by April last year (2011) I had lost two stone and was able to try another course of IVF (my third). After six and a half years of trying for a baby, it was a success and on 6 March (2012) I gave birth to Amelia. I had a great pregnancy with no morning sickness at all which I put down to all the nutrients I had been consuming on the weight loss plan.

Since giving birth to Amelia I have put weight on as I couldn’t stick to the plan as rigidly, but I know that when I’m ready I’ll be able to lose the excess weight again really quickly and easily.’
Kate continues to use Amanda Hamilton's Life Changing Weight Loss to help her lose those last few pounds she gained during pregnancy.

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